Monday, 17 May 2010

Money is on it's way

I had my induction today with Bola from Creative Process - a scheme by the (labor) Government to help the unemployed into good fields of work for at least 6 months to create a good CV and experience for themselves.

Bascially it's to increase the social networking capability aka making more of a presence on the internet for businesses. Fromt he previous interview with Bola & jack they loved the project I'm working on (EMMA) so they would pay me part time (£150 a week un taxed) to stay there - any extra days is voluntary and I'd expect my boss to carry paying expenses. Hopefulyl i'd get a NewDeal discount travel card for the 6 months too...

It was an interesting session, she did iq tests, personality tests on me and another guy called Joseph. I was classed as a good communicator and had the body image of a type 3 - super hero - lol I'm a giver and passionate about what i stand for and do. I will have to however motivate others and manipulate to get the best out of them. De-ligating is something that i need to work on as I probably take too much on (hell yeah!)

At around 2pm it all finished, Bola was particularly taken aback by Joseph who seemed to have a good selection of strengths and no stigmas holding him back (aka Batman issues) even I was surprised, you meet few people without chips on their shoulders - also he was cute too and in a band 'don't wait animate' (had dabbled at mencer too).

I then realized I had a few missed calls from Jun & a random text from bobby saying 'DON'T come to the office, contact me and I'll explain...' My instant reaction was to call Jun - he picked up and explained he was locked out of the office. It was going to happen sooner or later, I was silly enough to take it easy and left all my anti-histamines & pain killers there. i'll ave to book another appointment with the docs to get more- who knows how long it will take for Saatchi & Saatchi to authorised us to go back in and get our stuff.

List of my stuff to retrieve:

In my bottom drawer oppisite bosses office

1. flat white & black shoes (top shop brand)
2. metallic gold ankle boots (spot on)
3. medication (in drawer opposite my computer)

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